Wednesday, November 20, 2013

OnerMonth Post-Marathon Physical Update

Well, I ran a marathon a little over a month ago.  I thought that I was one of the lucky few who had finished the rigorous training for and completion of this daunting distance race with no lingering or severe injuries.  I ran a week after the race and felt some pain in my right knee.  So I kept running through it.  Roughly three weeks ago, I felt a pretty bad pain on a trail run and decided to see a physician.  I got a new brace for my right knee, took another few days off, ran on it, and still had pain.  I now am trying rest (ish), a brace, and KT Tape for my IT Band.  I seriously hope this recipe works because the fact that I am unable to run is having seriously negative effects on my holistic mental health.  I do other cardio, light lifting, abs, etc, but it just isn't the same.  I guess a few weeks of rest may be my next option, after I finish a Turkey Trot, a new Year's Eve run......

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